The Internet Then and Now

The Internet Then and Now

I found a nice infographic today about how networks and the Internet have changed from the ’60s.  Here’s the link to the original article: Now, I know that the first online purchase was a pizza but please, don’t buy if the website doesn’t show a proper SSL certificate, please.  ...

1 minute read
Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS – part 2

Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS – part 2

Hi all! Looks like the article I wrote some time ago about data pagination with AngularJS is still getting some attention, so I decided to give it a quick update just to spicy things a little bit. In one of my project I needed a way to run different actions before running...

1 minute read
How to pass custom functions to AngularJS directives

How to pass custom functions to AngularJS directives

In case you need to pass a callback to your AngularJS directives, looks like one way is to create an isolated scope and create a member with the ‘&’ attr. Here’s a quick&dirty example: In case you have to pass some arguments to the callback, here’s how: Notice that the...

1 minute read
DynamicConfig updates

DynamicConfig updates

Today I spent some time working on DynamicConfig , I had some minor/major refactorings in mind and also a couple of features I wanted to add. Probably the most important update is the possibility now to save the configurations to file, operation performed directly by the library when a property changes. At...

2 minute read