the importance of scope.apply() when testing promises

the importance of scope.apply() when testing promises

“remember kids, Jasmine likes to apply” …sorry, what? Well, basically, it’s simple: when writing unit tests on promises with Jasmine, remember to call $scope.apply(), it will save you some headaches! take a look at this AngularJs controller. Look at it. <span class=pl-k>var</span> <span class=pl-s1>myApp</span> <span class=pl-c1>=</span> <span class=pl-s1>angular</span><span class=pl-kos>.</span><span class=pl-en>module</span><span...

5 minute read
How I moved to Ireland (and survived to tell the tale)

How I moved to Ireland (and survived to tell the tale)

It’s been almost two months that I have moved to Ireland now and guess what? I survived. The first week has been very difficult. Foreign country, no car and being alone knowing that I was going to be alone for a long time…all of this started to led me down...

2 minute read
Store and retrieve a class containing interfaces with JSON.NET

Store and retrieve a class containing interfaces with JSON.NET

Suppose you have code like this: public interface IMyInterface { // blah } public class MyClass { public IEnumerable<IMyInterface> TheItems { get; set; } } </p> view raw json-interface-serialization-1.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub </p> and you want to serialize in JSON an instance of MyClass. If you are using...

4 minute read
Fresh new start!

Fresh new start!

I moved to Limerick, Ireland. Moved from 28° to 14°. Moved from a sunny place to a cloudy one. Why? Because I got hired by Dell. After 7 years in Healthware I decided to move on. I needed some fresh air, some new ideas, to see something different. To see...

1 minute read