Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 2: the database context

Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 2: the database context

Hi All! Last time I rambled a little bit about TDD and how to implement a very simple MongoDB repository. This time I want to introduce you to my cool friend, DbContext. The basic idea is to have an interface exposing all the collection on your db, or, in our case,...

4 minute read
Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 1: the repository

Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 1: the repository

Ok folks, this time I’ll talk/brag a little bit about the fabulous C# MongoDB driver and how you can write some testable code with it. If you have come across this post, probably you already know what unit tests and TDD are so you can go directly to the code....

3 minute read
the importance of scope.apply() when testing promises

the importance of scope.apply() when testing promises

“remember kids, Jasmine likes to apply” …sorry, what? Well, basically, it’s simple: when writing unit tests on promises with Jasmine, remember to call $scope.apply(), it will save you some headaches! take a look at this AngularJs controller. Look at it. <span class=pl-k>var</span> <span class=pl-s1>myApp</span> <span class=pl-c1>=</span> <span class=pl-s1>angular</span><span class=pl-kos>.</span><span class=pl-en>module</span><span...

5 minute read
How I moved to Ireland (and survived to tell the tale)

How I moved to Ireland (and survived to tell the tale)

It’s been almost two months that I have moved to Ireland now and guess what? I survived. The first week has been very difficult. Foreign country, no car and being alone knowing that I was going to be alone for a long time…all of this started to led me down...

2 minute read