How to configure StructureMap to inject a typed logger

How to configure StructureMap to inject a typed logger

Logging is an essential part of every application. Might be dead simple as Console.WriteLine() or a complex third party library but every piece of software needs a way to communicate its status. In my last project I have decided to use the wonderful NLog . One of the good things...

3 minute read
How to detect current culture in javascript

How to detect current culture in javascript

Detecting the current culture in javascript can be really useful in many cases, an example might be a dropdown with a list of languages and the user’s one as default selection. I am getting a little lazy these days, I would like to write more articles about software architecture, design...

3 minute read
Free Microsoft eBook giveaway!

Free Microsoft eBook giveaway!

A friend of mine just pointed me to a very interesting link that I think it’s worth sharing:  It’s from the Eric Ligman blog on MSDN, he’s sharing a HUGE list of Microsoft eBooks about basically everything, from Azure to Office, to Powershell to .NET development. I have started with...

1 minute read
How to create a docker container for a WordPress website

How to create a docker container for a WordPress website

This is my first post on Docker so please be gentle. I am going to start with something easy: how to create a Docker container to host a WordPress website. One word before we start: don’t do this on a production server! There are more rules and checks you have...

2 minute read