Don’t worry, Heimdall will watch over all your microservices.

Don’t worry, Heimdall will watch over all your microservices.

TL;DR : I wrote a service registry tool, named Heimdall, go and fork it! Long version: almost every time I am working on a piece of code I get stuck on something and after a while I get new ideas for new projects. This may lead to a huge number of...

2 minute read
Command Handlers return values in CQRS

Command Handlers return values in CQRS

I have recently come across this very interesting blog post by Jimmy Bogard ( the guy behind Mediatr, just FYI). He’s talking about CQRS, and makes a good point about how the user should be informed of the result of a Command execution. Should the Command Handler return a value?...

2 minute read
Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 4: the tests, finally

Unit testing MongoDB in C# part 4: the tests, finally

More than a year. Wow, that’s a lot, even for me! In the last episode of this series, we discussed about how to create the Factories for our Repositories. I guess now it’s time to put a use to all those interfaces and finally see how to unit test our...

6 minute read
Yet another “How to use SASS with WordPress” guide

Yet another “How to use SASS with WordPress” guide

Yes, it’s another one. If you lookup on Google there are are tons of articles about how to use SASS in a WordPress theme, so why writing another one? Well, the answer is simple. Because I can. Because I am bored. Because I’m going to give you the sources with...

3 minute read