Free Microsoft eBook giveaway!
A friend of mine just pointed me to a very interesting link that I think it’s worth sharing: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mssmallbiz/2017/07/11/largest-free-microsoft-ebook-giveaway-im-giving-away-millions-of-free-microsoft-ebooks-again-including-windows-10-office-365-office-2016-power-bi-azure-windows-8-1-office-2013-sharepo/
It’s from the Eric Ligman blog on MSDN, he’s sharing a HUGE list of Microsoft eBooks about basically everything, from Azure to Office, to Powershell to .NET development.
I have started with Machine Learning on Azure since it is a huge hype these days and I definitely need to give it a try.
I have been reading also a lot about Microservices lately and I’m still waiting my good friend and colleague Lalit to sign me a copy of his book .
Another thing I am investigating is Xamarin. Personally I am not a huge fan of mobile applications, I believe “standard” web development will replace native apps (maybe not cpu/gpu intensive applications like games for example) but I also believe that is good to have at least a minimal knowledge of it.
In any case, if you enjoy reading or you’re just curious, don’t miss it!