Call of WP7

It’s WP7 time! I’m playing a bit with the WP7 emulator with Visual Studio 2010 and XNA 4.0 (beta, of course)… it’s incredible how simple the development on this kind of devices has become easy these days! I’ve tried to write some Objective-C, but…well probably it’s my chronic allergy to...

1 minute read
Adventures in Com-Land

Adventures in Com-Land

Using serial ports in .NET is very, very easy. You just have to know how to initialize it and you’re good. Well actually you should know what to do with the incoming data, but this is another story 😀 In C# all you have to do is to include the namespace...

1 minute read

Back to the primitive

It all began with Silverlight. I mean, things lead to other things, and soon I started working on the Effect class… and soon I realized I needed some kind of shader editor, so I installed Shazzam. But Shazzam requires the DirectX SDK, so… Now I remember why I love so much...

1 minute read
Silverlight’s how to: get child elements

Silverlight’s how to: get child elements

I’ve started studing Silverlight a while ago, I don’t think I’ll do something special or some amazing eye-candy application… I just want to see how it works. Well….I don’t like it. I mean, it’s fantastic, allows you to do many wonderful things….but I do really hate all that xaml thing....

2 minute read