XNA 4 released!

XNA 4 released!

Finally! This is a real milestone, the API changes were enormous (I was forced to change a lot of code in my crappy engine), but it’s definitely worth it Shawn has a good list of blog entries (thank you very much Shawn!), for example this is one of the most...

1 minute read


Why talking only of programming? Sometimes I have to stop. To take a break. I’ve started my relationship with computers when I was five, but I don’t wanna spend a lifetime as 100% nerd (98% is a good deal  ). So I tought it might be a good idea to share...

1 minute read
Down into the SceneGraph hole

Down into the SceneGraph hole

Ok, this gonna be a very long post. This is my SceneGraph implementation, or, at least the most important parts of it. I thought it would be nice to share it with the world (and hear you scream, though), so let’s start with some code! public abstract class ISceneNode<br />...

3 minute read

Look at that! A glowing bomb!

Ok, I did it. I made a Silverlight game. Actually I’m not very proud of it, but at least it was veeeeery funny to write  It took just a couple of hours, and I spent most of the time searching on Google for the assets (to the authors: please don’t blame...

1 minute read