Extracting property name at compile time

Just an extract from this article. It’s something I always find VERY useful (in situations where speed is not one of our concerns, of course) protected string ExtractPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression) {     if (propertyExpression == null) {         throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyExpression");     }      ...

2 minute read

You have been a thorn in my side…

….for far too long, Avatar. Yes, I’ve finally bought it, but I don’t want to talk about it (moreover I’m still too much involved in Skyrim, I haven’t even launched the game….). The real leitmotiv today is Videum! I did it….at last. 4 months of hard work, far from being complete...

1 minute read

Why I love and hate IIS7

Yeah, I missed you too guys. Anyway, this took me a while to find out. But things like these are exactly what makes my job a continous research for enlightenment. In a nutshell, seems that in IIS7 there’s a different way to setup httpHandlers. And I’m not referring to the...

3 minute read

Visual Studio + Webservices + SOAP Headers

Suppose you have to consume a Webservice that requires you to provide a custom header. If you generate automatically the proxy with Visual Studio, you’ll soon discover that there’s no way to add an header or to access the SOAP request. Ok, here’s what you have to do: 1) download...

1 minute read