Brand new start

A long time ago, I had the chance to read this post. At the time I thought it was a great idea (and I still do), but I was still too focused on learning the basic principles of Computer Graphics and all the math behind the scenes. Years have passed...

1 minute read

Pure beauty

Look at this javascript code: '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16); It prints a random hex color in just one line. I love when I find this kind of solutions. Smart, effective…and if you think a little more about it, even simple. Thank you, Raymond.

1 minute read

Knowledge is power.

Today I finally got my brand new copy of Professional ASP.NET MVC 4 😀 I’ve been following Phil Haack‘s blog for a long time and I really like the guy, so this time I decided to give his group a chance and take the book … Now I guess I’m going...

1 minute read

New Website

Simply stated, Worpress is great.

1 minute read