XNA and Windows Form

ok, this time I’ve focused my spare time on making Windows Forms and XNA cohesist. I’ve created a small example of how to do that and pushed everything on GitHub as the last time  , you can find the repository here. Basically you have to create everything by yourself, GraphicsDevice and...

1 minute read

Hexagonal Map Rendering

I’m still working on my Hexagonal Map Renderer in my spare time and I decided to create a project on GitHub to better keep track of the changes . Features so far: Hexagonal tiles Map culling Picking Pathfinding using A* Here’s the link: https://github.com/mizrael/hex-map I’ve used a couple of external resources...

1 minute read

Hexagons! Hexagons everywhere!

I feel bored. Sometimes I feel so bored that I start walking around as if I were on a tiled map. And sometimes I like to switch from rectangular to hex-shaped tiles 😀 I’ve started working on a hex-based map renderer, just because, as I said. I’m bored. Here’re the...

1 minute read

HttpContext.Current, I hate you.

What if you have some legacy code that you cannot refactor and that contains references to HttpContext.Current ? What if you are writing unit tests for your code and it has references to that legacy code? Option 1: refactor the calls to the legacy code with the proxy pattern and continue writing the...

1 minute read