How to do Document-level locking on MongoDB and .NET Core – part 1

How to do Document-level locking on MongoDB and .NET Core – part 1

Hi All! Today we’re going to see how MongoDB handles locks and how we can achieve Document-level locking. The default MongoDB storage engine, WiredTiger, uses optimistic concurrency control, or OCC. In a nutshell, it assumes that multiple transactions can frequently complete without interfering with each other. wikipedia This basically means...

3 minute read
Write a WordPress blog with…Blazor!

Write a WordPress blog with…Blazor!

Yeah, I’m not getting crazy. It is 100% possible to replace your WordPress theme with a Blazor Webassembly application. How? Well, it’s not that hard actually. It’s been a while now since WordPress has started exposing a quite nice REST API. The first draft was added with version 4.4, but...

2 minute read