How to migrate Blazor Webassembly to .NET 5

How to migrate Blazor Webassembly to .NET 5

.NET 5 is out today! It’s a big milestone and comes with a huge list of improvements. I’ve been working a bit with Blazor lately, trying to brush up my gamedev skills again. So I took the chance and decided to upgrade my little pet project to the latest version...

1 minute read
How to render a dynamic Component with Blazor

How to render a dynamic Component with Blazor

Hi All! Today we’re going to see a simple technique to render a dynamic Component with Blazor. Suppose you want to create a generic Component to handle lists. Something very easy like this: @typeparam TItem <ul> @foreach(var item in Items){ <li>....</li> } </ul> @code{ [Parameter] public IEnumerable<TItem> Items {get;set;} }...

2 minute read