How to render a dynamic Component with Blazor

How to render a dynamic Component with Blazor

Hi All! Today we’re going to see a simple technique to render a dynamic Component with Blazor. Suppose you want to create a generic Component to handle lists. Something very easy like this: @typeparam TItem <ul> @foreach(var item in Items){ <li>....</li> } </ul> @code{ [Parameter] public IEnumerable<TItem> Items {get;set;} }...

2 minute read
Blazor Gamedev  – part 11: improved assets loading

Blazor Gamedev – part 11: improved assets loading

Hi All! Welcome back to part 11 of our Blazor 2d Gamedev series. Today we’re going to refactor and improve the code responsible for loading assets. Last time we talked about Scene Graphs and how they can help us managing our Game Entities. We used the classic solar system example,...

4 minute read