Best portal 2014!

I have just been told that the portal Razorfish Healthware that I developed for the Agency won the Web Marketing Association’s WebAward 2014 as “Best Portal Website of 2014” 😀 Here’s the link to the news: Yay!

1 minute read
Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS

Data pagination with WebAPI and AngularJS

UPDATE: wonder how to do the same using React and NodeJS? Read here! One of the first issues I faced while studying/working with AngularJS was how to do pagination with data received from the backend. Assuming that all the real paging is done server-side, I “just” needed a way to...

2 minute read
jQuery unobtrusive validation and custom date formats

jQuery unobtrusive validation and custom date formats

Another quick reminder for my sloppy memory: in case you want to use a custom date format and you need validation (of course, why wouldn’t you?), sometimes may happen that the format you’re using is not recognised during the client validation phase. In one of my side projects for example...

1 minute read
Handling validation with dynamic forms

Handling validation with dynamic forms

Quick tip, more of a reminder for me. In case you have to add/remove fields from a form dynamically and want to apply validation rules on client-side here’s how you should do: [csharp] $form.removeData(“validator”) .removeData(“unobtrusiveValidation”); $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($form); [/csharp]

1 minute read