Building an Angular 2 + Typescript application template

Building an Angular 2 + Typescript application template

Last time I showed you a way to create a Typescript application template. Now we can use that as a starting point for an Angular 2 application. As usual, I have created a GitHub repo with the necessary sources and the list of steps to perform. At the end of the process,...

1 minute read
How to setup your environment to write Typescript client applications

How to setup your environment to write Typescript client applications

Hi all! This time I thought it could be useful to write down a couple of notes about how to setup your development environment ( in my case the wonderful Visual Studio Code on Mac ) and start writing Typescript applications. To be honest I am writing this only because my...

1 minute read
Xamarin: Text-to-Speech on iOS

Xamarin: Text-to-Speech on iOS

hi All! Almost a month has passed since the last time I wrote a post. Many things are happening in my life and unfortunately I can’t study anymore all the time I was used to. Luckly the last few days I had the chance to install Xamarin Studio on my...

1 minute read
WordPress: how to handle page redirects in shortcodes

WordPress: how to handle page redirects in shortcodes

This is just a quick tip, something that I faced a while ago while working on a client’s website. I had to develop a shortcode responsible to render a form and obviously after the submission I wanted to redirect the user to another url (following the POST/redirect/GET pattern). It may...

3 minute read