Feature Gating part 2 : how can we store the flags?

Feature Gating part 2 : how can we store the flags?

In the first article of this series we discussed the general concept behind Feature Gating, now we will talk a little about how we can store the flags. A very naive approach is using a simple file per environment. You can serialize your flags in any way you want, json,...

3 minute read
Feature Gating part 1 : what is it?

Feature Gating part 1 : what is it?

Last week I was invited as speaker at the monthly DevDay Salerno to talk about Feature Gating. The recording will be soon available on YouTube (even though it will be in italian, sorry). Seems that the topic captured some interest so I thought it was a good idea to write...

4 minute read
DevDay Salerno: let’s talk about Feature Gating!

DevDay Salerno: let’s talk about Feature Gating!

Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at the monthly Meetup hosted by the DevDay Salerno community! The topic of the day will be “Feature Gating“, I’ll talk about the general idea, use cases and best practices. The talk will be language-agnostic as this is more a pattern rather than a framework/library. I will...

2 minute read
How an AppDomain can help you isolate your method calls

How an AppDomain can help you isolate your method calls

In one of my latest pet-projects (which with a bit of luck is about to become a real project, knock on wood!) I have been in need of executing code in total isolation form the containing application.  Without giving too many details, the system allows plugins to be uploaded ( as...

2 minute read