Entering the NDepend world

Entering the NDepend world

Today something unexpected happened. I got contacted by Patrick Smacchia, the creator of NDepend. He somehow found me online and offered a pro license 😀 I have never used NDepend so obviously I was very curious. In my daily job at Dell we obviously make an extensive use of static...

2 minute read
Remember kids: DbContext is not threadsafe

Remember kids: DbContext is not threadsafe

Let me say that again: DbContext is NOT threadsafe. Not clear enough? Well, let’s make an example. Actually, I’ll show something that happened to me at work. Let me give you some context just for the sake of it, even though it’s not extremely relevant to the issue. In this...

6 minute read
Usare code di messaggi in .net core – parte 2: i Background Worker

Usare code di messaggi in .net core – parte 2: i Background Worker

Ed eccoci al secondo articolo della Serie. Nello scorso appuntamento abbiamo parlato un po’ delle Code di Messaggi, questa volta invece introdurremo i Background Worker. Giusto per rinfrescare un po’ la memoria, le Code di Messaggi possono essere usate per gestire le comunicazioni asincrone tra microservizi, migliorando resilienza e scalabilitá....

3 minute read
Consuming message queues using .net core background workers – part 2: background workers

Consuming message queues using .net core background workers – part 2: background workers

In the previous article of this series we talked a bit about Message Queues. This time instead I’ll be introducing Background Workers. Just to recap, Message Queues can be used to handle asynchronous communication between services, improving resiliency and scalability. Now, suppose you have an API for handling blog posts...

3 minute read