Let's do some DDD with Entity Framework!

Let's do some DDD with Entity Framework!

Few days ago Microsoft released Entity Framework Core 3, introducing a lot of improvements in both functionalities and performance ( and some breaking change as well). Now we have full support for very cool stuff like C# 8, Async Enumerables, plus a brand new LINQ provider. I’m using a lot...

2 minute read
Back to the ’74 with a 8080 emulator – part 1

Back to the ’74 with a 8080 emulator – part 1

I decided to take a walk down memory lane, precisely back to ’74. I named my horse 8080, like the planet . Well, actually it’s not a horse but an emulator, my first emulator ever 🙂 It all started when I saw this article on Scott Hanselmann’s blog, about this...

3 minute read
Proviamo un po’ NDepend

Proviamo un po’ NDepend

Oggi é successa una cosa che non mi aspettavo. Mi ha contattato Patrick Smacchia, il creatore di NDepend. Mi ha trovato online non so come e mi ha offerto una licensa pro 😀 Non ho mai usato NDepend prima d’ora quindi ovviamente ero molto curioso. A lavoro qui in Dell...

2 minute read