Blazor GameDev – part 7: animations

Blazor GameDev – part 7: animations

Hi my fellow gamedevs! Welcome back to part 7 of our Blazor 2d Gamedev series. Today we’re going to step into the marvelous world of animations using spritesheets 🙂 Last time we saw how it’s possible to interact with the game using the mouse. It was fun and easy, but...

3 minute read
Blazor GameDev – part 6: mouse input

Blazor GameDev – part 6: mouse input

Hi All! Welcome back to part 6 of our Blazor 2d Gamedev series. Today we’ll see how we can start detecting user interaction and mouse input. Last time we started the real refactoring towards a more reusable structure and introduced the concept of composition through the GameObject class. The goal...

2 minute read
Blazor GameDev – part 5: composition

Blazor GameDev – part 5: composition

Hi All! Welcome back to part 5 of our Blazor 2d Gamedev series. Today we’ll see how we can move away from procedural code using composition. Last time we saw how easy it is to load a sprite and move it across the screen. The issue with this solution is...

3 minute read