Azure Functions with Managed Identities - Part 1

Azure Functions with Managed Identities - Part 1

Hi All! Today we’ll steer away a bit from Design Patterns and talk about Azure Managed System Identities, or MSI, and how they can be leveraged in Azure Function Apps. So what are exactly Managed Identities? First of all, they are a broader term, that includes both System and User...

5 minute read
Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 3: Anti-Patterns

Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 3: Anti-Patterns

Welcome back to the third part of the Dependency Injection series! Last time we talked about Services registration and lifetime configuration. Today instead we’ll see 2 very common anti-patterns in DI world. Let’s start from the basics. The first anti-pattern is called Control Freak. Let’s see some code first: public...

4 minute read
Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 2: Service Lifetimes

Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 2: Service Lifetimes

Welcome back to the second part of the Dependency Injection series! Last time we saw what DI is and why it helps us write more maintainable, robust and testable code. Today we’ll keep talking about it, and we’ll see what service lifetimes are. In a nutshell, a lifetime defines how...

3 minute read
Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 1

Is Dependency Injection dead? - Part 1

TLDR: No, of course, it’s not dead. But you’ve been probably using it wrong this whole time. Slightly longer version: Last time I wrote about the general decline of Design Patterns among software engineers and how I feel about it. Today we’re going to talk about Dependency Injection, one of...

4 minute read