talk @ UniSa – 12/12/2018

talk @ UniSa – 12/12/2018

Every couple of weeks or so the University of Salerno hosts former students like me to talk a bit about their professional experience. Yesterday was my turn! I was invited by my old teacher Vittorio Scarano (hi prof!) to talk in front of a big audience of grads and undergrads....

2 minute read
List of useful Docker commands

List of useful Docker commands

In the last few weeks I’ve been doing several experiments with Docker, just trying to grasp the main idea and maybe even come up with something useful. As often happens with tools these days, there’s an entire world of command line tools that you should learn. OR you can just...

2 minute read
Immutable Builder Pattern

Immutable Builder Pattern

This time we’ll talk about the Immutable Builder Pattern, but with a twist: the resulting instance has to be immutable. From time to time I need to move away from the routine, just to avoid getting bored. Also, taking short breaks might help viewing things under a different perspective. Anyways, while...

2 minute read