“Mastering AngularJS for .NET Developers” is here!
“Mastering AngularJS for .NET Developers” is here!

“Mastering AngularJS for .NET Developers” is here!

2015, Jul 10    

Finally! I thought the package had gone lost but then…today the postman knocked the office doors aaaaaand here it is!

mastering angularjs - book


It’s an interesting book indeed. Covers most of the functionalities, front to back with an eye to the inner workings and how to integrate with .NET, EntityFramework and WebAPI.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of SPAs . I mean, for example there are cases when you need to hide some parts of the system using some kind of role management. Handling everything server-side “should” grant an higher level of security.

Also, you don’t send to the client unnecessary html blocks, which is always a good thing.

Anyway, here’s my little piece of satisfaction 😀

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