Don’t worry, Heimdall will watch over all your microservices.
Don’t worry, Heimdall will watch over all your microservices.

Don’t worry, Heimdall will watch over all your microservices.

2017, May 01    

TL;DR : I wrote a service registry tool, named Heimdall, go and fork it!

Long version: almost every time I am working on a piece of code I get stuck on something and after a while I get new ideas for new projects. This may lead to a huge number of useless git repos, each one with a partially functional software, but it also pushes me to work on new things each day.

This time I was working on a super-secret project (that I will of course share very soon) based on a nice microservices architecture and I soon realized I needed some kind of Service Registry. The project was quite small so I was not really interested in a complex tool like a router with load balancing functions or similia so I decided to code the thing myself.

For the ones of you that don’t know what a Service Registry is and what it does, allow me to give you some context.
Imagine you’re a client that needs to consume some APIs. You could of course use a configuration file for storing the endpoints but in case you’re cloud-based, urls can change often.

Also, what if you want some nice features like multiple instances, autoscaling and load balancing?

The answer is simple: use a registry! 

Every service will register itself during initialization, allowing clients to query the registry and know the endpoint (possibly the best one).

I found this concept pretty useful so I decided to create a poor man’s version myself, using ASP.NET Core, MongoDB and React and I named it Heimdall, the guardian god of the Norse mythology .
The list of features for now is very scarce, you can just register a service, add/remove endpoints and query, but I have a full roadmap ready 🙂

Oh and I also added help pages using Swagger !

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