DevDay Salerno: let’s talk about Feature Gating!
DevDay Salerno: let’s talk about Feature Gating!

DevDay Salerno: let’s talk about Feature Gating!

2018, Feb 23    

Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at the monthly Meetup hosted by the DevDay Salerno community! The topic of the day will be “Feature Gating“, I’ll talk about the general idea, use cases and best practices. The talk will be language-agnostic as this is more a pattern rather than a framework/library. I will show some code but try to keep the discussion more on the “theory-side”. 

I have always been more attracted to software architecture and design patterns so I tend to avoid putting too much effort in whatever library is the hype of the moment. 

Feature Gating is an interesting and easy tool to leverage when you want more flexibility during production deployment. It helps controlling and shipping new features faster allowing practices like canary releases and A/B testing.

One of the event organizers is an old friend of mine and ex coworker from my Healthware days. A while ago we discussed about having me presenting something but, as often happens, life stood in the way (along with me moving to a different country altogether).
So as soon as I had the chance to plan ahead my trip back to Italy he managed to find a slot for me 🙂 

Unfortunately the slides are in Italian so I don’t think I’ll share them on this blog but I will be writing soon a more detailed post so stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you’re near Salerno and fancy a little geekiness come and say hi!


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